Happy within lights the way

We all want to be happy. But sometimes, it can feel like happiness is always just out of reach. That’s why we have to start with ourselves – make better choices and find ways to nurture our own joy. It might sound simple, but it requires ongoing effort and dedication.

Just as our bodies need food for nourishment, our souls need positive words and actions. We can start each day with a few scriptures taken from the Bible that remind us of God’s immense love for us. When we use these affirmations to give ourselves strength and courage, it helps us to make better decisions throughout the day.

We don’t have to let outside forces determine our fate. We can choose how we want to live our lives and, more importantly, be happy doing it. So let’s make the conscious choice to start each day with a smile and an open heart – because happiness starts with you.

To sum it up: Happiness doesn’t just happen, it’s up to us to create it. Take responsibility for your own joy and make sure to nurture it every day. With God’s love and affirmations from the Bible, we can make good choices that will bring us closer to true contentment. Happiness starts with you – so start today!

Action step: Read or recite a positive scripture each morning as you begin your day. Doing this will help create a foundation for lasting happiness and peace.

God bless you on your journey to living a more joyful life! 🙌🏼

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